Roblox Character Preppy

Preppy Roblox

Roblox 2.0 Torso
Roblox 2.0 Right Arm
Roblox 2.0 Left Arm
Roblox 2.0 Left Leg
Roblox 2.0 Right Leg
tan pants cottage core soft aesthetic
Blue Palm Angels Collage Jacket #drip catalog.Ent
Preppy Blue Heart Ear Muffs with Heart Boppers
Preppy Smiley Face Blue Headphones
Preppy Blue Ribbon Cowgirl Hat

About PreppyAdrians


Currently Wearing

Roblox 2.0 TorsoTorsoRoblox 2.0 Torso27112025
Roblox 2.0 Right ArmRightArmRoblox 2.0 Right Arm27112039
Roblox 2.0 Left ArmLeftArmRoblox 2.0 Left Arm27112052
Roblox 2.0 Left LegLeftLegRoblox 2.0 Left Leg27112056
Roblox 2.0 Right LegRightLegRoblox 2.0 Right Leg27112068
Cheeks HeadCheeks74676760475 R$
tan pants cottage core soft aestheticPantstan pants cottage core soft aesthetic65954379757 R$
Blue Palm Angels Collage Jacket #drip catalog.EntShirtBlue Palm Angels Collage Jacket #drip catalog.Ent67269692757 R$
Preppy Blue Heart Ear Muffs with Heart BoppersHatPreppy Blue Heart Ear Muffs with Heart Boppers1183793698050 R$
Preppy Smiley Face Blue HeadphonesHatPreppy Smiley Face Blue Headphones1242314674050 R$
Preppy Blue Ribbon Cowgirl HatHatPreppy Blue Ribbon Cowgirl Hat1349666045650 R$

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