Roblox Character Uolalalauwq

Uolalalauwq Roblox

Rthro Fall
Rthro Idle
Rthro Jump
Rthro Run
Rthro Swim
Rthro Walk
Vanessa - Head
Roblox Shirt - Simple Pattern
Summer - Left Arm
Summer - Left Leg
Summer - Right Arm
Summer - Right Leg
Summer - Torso
Christmas Snowman Suit

About AltraAcount_AA

When I made my first account, I was 6, now I’m a lot older. I grew up with roblox, and it will be forever in my heart. I love roblox and always will, but things in my life have been harsh. I won’t get into it, but it’s bad. I won’t be coming back. I’m so sorry…

Currently Wearing

Rthro FallFallAnimationRthro Fall2510233257β€”
Rthro IdleIdleAnimationRthro Idle2510235063β€”
Rthro JumpJumpAnimationRthro Jump2510236649β€”
Rthro RunRunAnimationRthro Run2510238627β€”
Rthro SwimSwimAnimationRthro Swim2510240941β€”
Rthro WalkWalkAnimationRthro Walk2510242378β€”
Vanessa - HeadHeadVanessa - Head3669152260β€”
Roblox Shirt - Simple PatternShirtRoblox Shirt - Simple Pattern3670737444β€”
Summer - Left ArmLeftArmSummer - Left Arm3963476651β€”
Summer - Left LegLeftLegSummer - Left Leg3963479563β€”
Summer - Right ArmRightArmSummer - Right Arm3963481369β€”
Summer - Right LegRightLegSummer - Right Leg3963483107β€”
Summer - TorsoTorsoSummer - Torso3963485362β€”
Christmas Snowman SuitPantsAccessoryChristmas Snowman Suit1177414935680 R$

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