Roblox Character Stn_04

Stn_04 Roblox

Woman Head
Woman Torso
Woman Right Arm
Woman Left Arm
Woman Left Leg
Woman Right Leg
Bubbly Idle
Oldschool Run
Oldschool Walk
Oldschool Jump
Oldschool Swim
Big Grin - Tai Verdes
Elf Helper W/ Ears
Brown Cute Wavy Hair with Short Pigtails
˚‧ Preppy Elf overalls

About Babyoda6666

Hola Senior y'all should make some nice nutritional sugar its amazing for you. It also tastes delicious yassssss yum yum. Hot dog hot dog hot diggity dog don't mind me doing random stuff and writing random words teehehehhehehehehhehehehehhehehe my cousin is a turkey and a banana idk how that is possible anyway, why are you even reading this bruh go do smthin else other than stalk ing me

Currently Wearing

Woman HeadHeadWoman Head86498113
Woman TorsoTorsoWoman Torso86499666
Woman Right ArmRightArmWoman Right Arm86499698
Woman Left ArmLeftArmWoman Left Arm86499716
Woman Left LegLeftLegWoman Left Leg86499753
Woman Right LegRightLegWoman Right Leg86499793
Bubbly IdleIdleAnimationBubbly Idle1018553897
Oldschool RunRunAnimationOldschool Run5319900634
Oldschool WalkWalkAnimationOldschool Walk5319909330
Oldschool JumpJumpAnimationOldschool Jump5319917561
Oldschool SwimSwimAnimationOldschool Swim5319927054
Big Grin - Tai VerdesFaceBig Grin - Tai Verdes7987180607
Elf Helper W/ EarsHatElf Helper W/ Ears826742827470 R$
Brown Cute Wavy Hair with Short PigtailsHairAccessoryBrown Cute Wavy Hair with Short Pigtails948810578175 R$
˚‧ Preppy Elf overallsPants˚‧ Preppy Elf overalls113649641485 R$

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