Roblox Character Mob

Mob Roblox

Flaming Mohawk
Cartoony Run
Cartoony Walk
Vampire Jump
Ud'zal's Idle
Supercharged Aura
Birthday Candle Nose
Double Flamethrowers
Red Full Fire Aura
Goldlika: Oof
8-Bit HP Bar
Fiery Frosty
White Tuxedo Bottom
Matching valk pants
MoBs Shirt
Default Mood
cz - Torso
cz - Left Leg
cz - Left Arm
cz - Right Arm
cz - Right Leg
Uranus - Dynamic Head

About Korean_MoB

In the vast realm of thoughts, Where wishes start, Envision the end; Hold it close to your heart. Feel the joy as if it’s now come to be, For the heart that believes sees what eyes can’t see.

Currently Wearing

Flaming MohawkHairAccessoryFlaming Mohawk191101707500 R$
Cartoony RunRunAnimationCartoony Run837009922β€”
Cartoony WalkWalkAnimationCartoony Walk837010234β€”
Vampire JumpJumpAnimationVampire Jump1113742359β€”
Ud'zal's IdleIdleAnimationUd'zal's Idle3307605825β€”
Supercharged AuraWaistAccessorySupercharged Aura490463066150 R$
Birthday Candle NoseFaceAccessoryBirthday Candle Nose693418610015 R$
Double FlamethrowersBackAccessoryDouble Flamethrowers7332001934100 R$
Red Full Fire AuraBackAccessoryRed Full Fire Aura7770008408100 R$
Goldlika: OofNeckAccessoryGoldlika: Oof8770132654β€”
8-Bit HP BarHat8-Bit HP Bar101596104783000 R$
Fiery FrostyHatFiery Frosty11497600575β€”
White Tuxedo BottomPantsAccessoryWhite Tuxedo Bottom1175274548275 R$
Matching valk pantsPantsMatching valk pants122829976935 R$
MoBs ShirtShirtMoBs Shirt1261853358969 R$
Default MoodMoodAnimationDefault Mood14618207727β€”
cz - TorsoTorsocz - Torso14894207364β€”
cz - Left LegLeftLegcz - Left Leg14894207404β€”
cz - Left ArmLeftArmcz - Left Arm14894207412β€”
cz - Right ArmRightArmcz - Right Arm14894207416β€”
cz - Right LegRightLegcz - Right Leg14894207657β€”
Uranus - Dynamic HeadDynamicHeadUranus - Dynamic Head15169503627β€”

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