Roblox Character Christmas

Christmas Roblox

Roblox 2.0 Torso
Roblox 2.0 Right Arm
Roblox 2.0 Left Arm
Roblox 2.0 Left Leg
Roblox 2.0 Right Leg
Mage Run
Mage Walk
Mage Fall
Mage Jump
Mage Idle
Mage Swim
Mage Climb
MU Red Christmas Sweater
Christmas Gloves
Christmas Confetti
Christmas Mimzy
Christmas Snowman  Headdress
Red Squared Christmas pijamas
Blonde Messy Front Swoop
Default Mood
Spikey - Dynamic Head

About ChristmasKid9992012


Currently Wearing

Awkward....FaceAwkward....2393204865 R$
Roblox 2.0 TorsoTorsoRoblox 2.0 Torso27112025
Roblox 2.0 Right ArmRightArmRoblox 2.0 Right Arm27112039
Roblox 2.0 Left ArmLeftArmRoblox 2.0 Left Arm27112052
Roblox 2.0 Left LegLeftLegRoblox 2.0 Left Leg27112056
Roblox 2.0 Right LegRightLegRoblox 2.0 Right Leg27112068
Mage RunRunAnimationMage Run754635032
Mage WalkWalkAnimationMage Walk754636298
Mage FallFallAnimationMage Fall754636589
Mage JumpJumpAnimationMage Jump754637084
Mage IdleIdleAnimationMage Idle754637456
Mage SwimSwimAnimationMage Swim754638471
Mage ClimbClimbAnimationMage Climb754639239
MU Red Christmas SweaterShirtMU Red Christmas Sweater45276937355 R$
Christmas GlovesNeckAccessoryChristmas Gloves600734701120 R$
Christmas ConfettiHatChristmas Confetti603648695962 R$
Christmas MimzyHatChristmas Mimzy603687086475 R$
Christmas Snowman  HeaddressHatChristmas Snowman Headdress606712165560 R$
Red Squared Christmas pijamasPantsRed Squared Christmas pijamas60879658705 R$
Blonde Messy Front SwoopHairAccessoryBlonde Messy Front Swoop688046823375 R$
Default MoodMoodAnimationDefault Mood14618207727
Spikey - Dynamic HeadDynamicHeadSpikey - Dynamic Head15038320185

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