Roblox Character Coldfirehunter

Coldfirehunter Roblox

Rthro Climb
Rthro Fall
Rthro Idle
Rthro Jump
Rthro Run
Rthro Swim
Rthro Walk
Aquaman's Trident
Aquaman Left Arm
Aquaman Right Arm
Aquaman Left Leg
Aquaman Right Leg
Aquaman Torso
Tuxedo Cat
WWE - Seth Rollins Hair
WWE - Seth Rollins Head

About Coldfirehunter

Aquaman - coldfirehunter

Currently Wearing

Rthro ClimbClimbAnimationRthro Climb2510230574
Rthro FallFallAnimationRthro Fall2510233257
Rthro IdleIdleAnimationRthro Idle2510235063
Rthro JumpJumpAnimationRthro Jump2510236649
Rthro RunRunAnimationRthro Run2510238627
Rthro SwimSwimAnimationRthro Swim2510240941
Rthro WalkWalkAnimationRthro Walk2510242378
Aquaman's TridentGearAquaman's Trident2548993638
Aquaman Left ArmLeftArmAquaman Left Arm2553829909
Aquaman Right ArmRightArmAquaman Right Arm2553832982
Aquaman Left LegLeftLegAquaman Left Leg2553835085
Aquaman Right LegRightLegAquaman Right Leg2553837641
Aquaman TorsoTorsoAquaman Torso2553838699
Tuxedo CatShoulderAccessoryTuxedo Cat2758799657
WWE - Seth Rollins HairHairAccessoryWWE - Seth Rollins Hair3016139459
WWE - Seth Rollins HeadHeadWWE - Seth Rollins Head3016139921

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