Roblox Character Jackie

Jackie Roblox

The Friendly Eviscerator
Roblox 2.0 Torso
Roblox 2.0 Right Arm
Roblox 2.0 Left Arm
Roblox 2.0 Left Leg
Roblox 2.0 Right Leg
Vampire Fall
Vampire Jump
Vampire Idle
Vampire Swim
Jack Skellington
Jack Skellington
Skeleton Face Mask - White
Ghost Dog Buddy
Jack's Bowtie (1.0)

About Trendy34

Howdy, I'm Scarecrow/Newt, nice to meet you! I'm pretty laid back, and open to new pals. Any pronouns (prefer fem) , LGBTQ+. If we are pals and you wanna talk to me more besides here, just dm and ask for my tok, inst@ or d1s!!

Currently Wearing

The Friendly EvisceratorFaceThe Friendly Eviscerator2250012990 R$
Roblox 2.0 TorsoTorsoRoblox 2.0 Torso27112025
Roblox 2.0 Right ArmRightArmRoblox 2.0 Right Arm27112039
Roblox 2.0 Left ArmLeftArmRoblox 2.0 Left Arm27112052
Roblox 2.0 Left LegLeftLegRoblox 2.0 Left Leg27112056
Roblox 2.0 Right LegRightLegRoblox 2.0 Right Leg27112068
Vampire FallFallAnimationVampire Fall1113742092
Vampire JumpJumpAnimationVampire Jump1113742359
Vampire IdleIdleAnimationVampire Idle1113742618
Vampire SwimSwimAnimationVampire Swim1113742944
Jack SkellingtonShirtJack Skellington54849583995 R$
Jack SkellingtonPantsJack Skellington54851657395 R$
Skeleton Face Mask - WhiteHatSkeleton Face Mask - White1092861131250 R$
Ghost Dog BuddyShoulderAccessoryGhost Dog Buddy11899774135150 R$
Jack's Bowtie (1.0)NeckAccessoryJack's Bowtie (1.0)1431646352150 R$

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