Roblox Character Gportu1

Gportu1 Roblox

John Shirt
John Pants
John’s Scarf
XBOX_M Left Arm
XBOX_M Right Arm
XBOX_M Left Leg
XBOX_M Right Leg
XBOX_M Torso
John's Face
True Blue Hair
Mask of madness Red

About Gportu1

############### friends, not anymore but I still need her she used to unfriend me and friend me back and she was my friend and after and. I hate my brother i. Don’t know why she blocked me. And I thought she would friend me but she never friended me again I was trying to show this to ############### so maybe we can talk and then I can tell her why is she blocked me? And I got to mention my brother ## ## ### ######

Currently Wearing

John ShirtShirtJohn Shirt301809996β€”
John PantsPantsJohn Pants301811279β€”
John’s Scarf NeckAccessoryJohn’s Scarf301820684β€”
XBOX_M Left ArmLeftArmXBOX_M Left Arm301824684β€”
XBOX_M Right ArmRightArmXBOX_M Right Arm301825492β€”
XBOX_M Left LegLeftLegXBOX_M Left Leg301825699β€”
XBOX_M Right LegRightLegXBOX_M Right Leg301825891β€”
XBOX_M TorsoTorsoXBOX_M Torso301826032β€”
John's FaceFaceJohn's Face301827199β€”
True Blue HairHairAccessoryTrue Blue Hair451221329β€”
Mask of madness RedFaceAccessoryMask of madness Red852864147715 R$

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