Roblox Character Matrix

Matrix Roblox

Woman Torso
Woman Right Arm
Woman Left Arm
Woman Left Leg
Woman Right Leg
Stylish Climb
Stylish Fall
Stylish Idle
Stylish Jump
Stylish Run
Stylish Swim
Stylish Walk
White Aesthetic Headband
White Collar 3.0
Sparkling's Friendly Wink
Soft Caramel Bear Tote (3.0)
Astrological Earrings
Cute Full Bangs (Black)
cargo pants bow cyber kitty lana fae fairy hys
y2k crochet hippie thrift earthy vintage hippie
Bubble Braided Popstar Buns (Black)

About TheMatrixIAmkids

หšโžถ ๏ฝกหš โ”Š MATRIX โœงหš ยท .

Currently Wearing

Woman TorsoTorsoWoman Torso86499666โ€”
Woman Right ArmRightArmWoman Right Arm86499698โ€”
Woman Left ArmLeftArmWoman Left Arm86499716โ€”
Woman Left LegLeftLegWoman Left Leg86499753โ€”
Woman Right LegRightLegWoman Right Leg86499793โ€”
Stylish ClimbClimbAnimationStylish Climb619509955โ€”
Stylish FallFallAnimationStylish Fall619511417โ€”
Stylish IdleIdleAnimationStylish Idle619511648โ€”
Stylish JumpJumpAnimationStylish Jump619511974โ€”
Stylish RunRunAnimationStylish Run619512153โ€”
Stylish SwimSwimAnimationStylish Swim619512450โ€”
Stylish WalkWalkAnimationStylish Walk619512767โ€”
NarrowHeadNarrow74677468775 R$
White Aesthetic HeadbandHatWhite Aesthetic Headband531823535650 R$
White Collar 3.0NeckAccessoryWhite Collar 3.0644518749829 R$
Sparkling's Friendly WinkFaceSparkling's Friendly Wink6532619915โ€”
Soft Caramel Bear Tote (3.0)FrontAccessorySoft Caramel Bear Tote (3.0)707062984640 R$
Astrological EarringsHatAstrological Earrings713328818650 R$
Cute Full Bangs (Black)FaceAccessoryCute Full Bangs (Black)827522216322 R$
cargo pants bow cyber kitty lana fae fairy hysPantscargo pants bow cyber kitty lana fae fairy hys95596321475 R$
y2k crochet hippie thrift earthy vintage hippie Shirty2k crochet hippie thrift earthy vintage hippie97724410385 R$
Bubble Braided Popstar Buns (Black)HairAccessoryBubble Braided Popstar Buns (Black)1263036773650 R$

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