Roblox Character C0ffee_first

C0ffee_first Roblox

Black Polka Dot Mouse Ears
Insulin Pump
Messy Cyan Long Hair
✅ Black skirt w socks classic combo
Roblox Button Down - Gray
Blueberry 90s Girl Skirt - Black Denim
Mini2D - Torso
Mini2D - Right Arm
Mini2D - Left Arm
Mini2D - Right Leg
Mini2D - Left Leg
Default Mood
Cute 2.0 Woman Revamp - Dynamic Head

About C0ffee_First

Coffee coffee coffee!

Currently Wearing

Black Polka Dot Mouse EarsHatBlack Polka Dot Mouse Ears499560584665 R$
Insulin PumpWaistAccessoryInsulin Pump739707264850 R$
Messy Cyan Long HairHairAccessoryMessy Cyan Long Hair924573331570 R$
✅ Black skirt w socks classic comboPants✅ Black skirt w socks classic combo93532301855 R$
Roblox Button Down - Gray  ShirtAccessoryRoblox Button Down - Gray962095022750 R$
Blueberry 90s Girl Skirt - Black DenimDressSkirtAccessoryBlueberry 90s Girl Skirt - Black Denim1016193646475 R$
Mini2D - TorsoTorsoMini2D - Torso14579958702
Mini2D - Right ArmRightArmMini2D - Right Arm14579959062
Mini2D - Left ArmLeftArmMini2D - Left Arm14579959191
Mini2D - Right LegRightLegMini2D - Right Leg14579959249
Mini2D - Left LegLeftLegMini2D - Left Leg14579963667
Default MoodMoodAnimationDefault Mood14618207727
Cute 2.0 Woman Revamp - Dynamic HeadDynamicHeadCute 2.0 Woman Revamp - Dynamic Head15163103351

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