Roblox Character Piggy

Piggy Roblox

ROBLOX Boy Left Arm
ROBLOX Boy Right Arm
ROBLOX Boy Left Leg
ROBLOX Boy Right Leg
ROBLOX Boy Torso
Robot Climb
Robot Fall
Robot Idle
Robot Jump
Robot Run
Robot Swim
Robot Walk
Piggy Head
Stevie Standard - Head
Piggy - Bat

About Piggy124732

Piggy is a popular Roblox game created by a user named MiniToon. It falls under the horror and adventure game genres and gained significant popularity within the Roblox community.

Piggy is essentially a survival game where players are trapped in various maps and must work together to solve puzzles, find keys, and unlock doors to escape. The game's antagonist is an anthropomorphic pig named "Piggy," who chases players in an attempt to catch them. The game has a storyline that unfolds as players progress through different chapters, each set in a unique location with its own challenges and objectives.

Players have the opportunity to take on the roles of survivors, attempting to outsmart Piggy and complete their objectives, or even play as Piggy itself in certain game modes. The game's popularity is partly attributed to its engaging gameplay, teamwork requirements, and the thrill of being pursued by Piggy.

Piggy also gained attention due to its customization options. Players could create their own custom maps, characters, and even scenarios using the Roblox game creation tools. This encouraged user-generated content and helped in keeping the game fresh and exciting for the community.

Currently Wearing

ROBLOX Boy Left ArmLeftArmROBLOX Boy Left Arm376530220
ROBLOX Boy Right ArmRightArmROBLOX Boy Right Arm376531012
ROBLOX Boy Left LegLeftLegROBLOX Boy Left Leg376531300
ROBLOX Boy Right LegRightLegROBLOX Boy Right Leg376531703
ROBLOX Boy TorsoTorsoROBLOX Boy Torso376532000
Robot ClimbClimbAnimationRobot Climb619521311
Robot FallFallAnimationRobot Fall619521521
Robot IdleIdleAnimationRobot Idle619521748
Robot JumpJumpAnimationRobot Jump619522088
Robot RunRunAnimationRobot Run619522386
Robot SwimSwimAnimationRobot Swim619522642
Robot WalkWalkAnimationRobot Walk619522849
Piggy HeadHatPiggy Head484926264275 R$
PiggyShirtPiggy49830410385 R$
PiggyPantsPiggy62205086625 R$
Stevie Standard - HeadDynamicHeadStevie Standard - Head10638267973
Piggy - BatBackAccessoryPiggy - Bat11775685012

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