Roblox Character Carlyyy

Carlyyy Roblox

Squiggle Mouth
Woman Torso
Woman Right Arm
Woman Left Arm
Man Left Leg
Man Right Leg
Rthro Climb
Rthro Fall
Rthro Jump
Rthro Run
Rthro Swim
Rthro Walk
Vintage Glasses
Black Cross Necklace 3.0
Peanut pants
Peanut shirt
the peanut
Squiggle Mouth - Mood
Squiggle Mouth - Eyelash
Squigglin Out - Head

About Carly_liz


Currently Wearing

Squiggle MouthFaceSquiggle Mouth25166274
Woman TorsoTorsoWoman Torso86499666
Woman Right ArmRightArmWoman Right Arm86499698
Woman Left ArmLeftArmWoman Left Arm86499716
Man Left LegLeftLegMan Left Leg86500064
Man Right LegRightLegMan Right Leg86500078
Rthro ClimbClimbAnimationRthro Climb2510230574
Rthro FallFallAnimationRthro Fall2510233257
Rthro JumpJumpAnimationRthro Jump2510236649
Rthro RunRunAnimationRthro Run2510238627
Rthro SwimSwimAnimationRthro Swim2510240941
Rthro WalkWalkAnimationRthro Walk2510242378
Vintage GlassesFaceAccessoryVintage Glasses4143016822125 R$
Black Cross Necklace 3.0NeckAccessoryBlack Cross Necklace 3.0620280849766 R$
Peanut pantsPantsPeanut pants69026919715 R$
Peanut shirtShirtPeanut shirt69026926775 R$
the peanutBackAccessorythe peanut6904293723100 R$
Squiggle Mouth - MoodMoodAnimationSquiggle Mouth - Mood11308665087
Squiggle Mouth - EyelashEyelashAccessorySquiggle Mouth - Eyelash11308670616
Squigglin Out - HeadDynamicHeadSquigglin Out - Head11308682721

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