Roblox Character General_dj

General_dj Roblox

Man Head
Ninja Run
Ninja Walk
Ninja Fall
Ninja Jump
Ninja Swim
Ninja Climb
Left Silver Pauldron of the Void
Right Silver Pauldron of the Void
Deathlord Greatsword
Brotherhood Knight Armour+ [Bottom]
Brotherhood Knight Armour+ [Top]
Sacred Knight Chestplate
Cursed Knight Helmet

About DamaniJack

Somebody tells you a joke, you laugh very hard, they repeat it, you laugh but not as hard, they keep repeating it again and again until u stop laughing, they say β€œif you can’t laugh over the same joke why can’t you stop crying over people that bring you down,”.

Currently Wearing

BanditFaceAccessoryBandit2064200840 R$
Man HeadHeadMan Head86498048β€”
Ninja RunRunAnimationNinja Run658830056β€”
Ninja WalkWalkAnimationNinja Walk658831143β€”
Ninja FallFallAnimationNinja Fall658831500β€”
Ninja JumpJumpAnimationNinja Jump658832070β€”
Ninja SwimSwimAnimationNinja Swim658832807β€”
Ninja ClimbClimbAnimationNinja Climb658833139β€”
Left Silver Pauldron of the VoidShoulderAccessoryLeft Silver Pauldron of the Void460362963650 R$
Right Silver Pauldron of the VoidShoulderAccessoryRight Silver Pauldron of the Void460363074050 R$
Deathlord GreatswordBackAccessoryDeathlord Greatsword4998911880125 R$
Brotherhood Knight Armour+ [Bottom]PantsBrotherhood Knight Armour+ [Bottom]59457677465 R$
Brotherhood Knight Armour+ [Top]ShirtBrotherhood Knight Armour+ [Top]59457873365 R$
Sacred Knight ChestplateFrontAccessorySacred Knight Chestplate671165935650 R$
Cursed Knight HelmetHatCursed Knight Helmet721450362350 R$

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